Virtual National

UDL Middle School Nationals 2020!

Early Scholars Speech & Debate triumphed at the National Urban Debate League Middle School Virtual Tournament held on May 2nd and May 3rd.  It was a grueling 2-day tournament with day 1 consisting of five preliminary rounds followed by elimination rounds on day 2. We are proud to announce that Early Scholars won the top bracket and the top speaker awards in Public Forum.

Top Team Bracket Awards:
Gold Champions:  Hillary J. & Zachary J., Early Scholars
Silver Champions: Annie L. & Brandon T., Early Scholars

Top Individual Speakers Awards:
First Place: Caroline X., Early Scholars
Second Place: Kaileigh D., Early Scholars
Third Place: Sadie W., Early Scholars

NYC UDL May 16th Tournament

The Early Scholars Speech and Debate intermediate teams were awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at NYC UDL May 16th tournament. Our teams were the only competitors there who ended the day with a flawless 3-0 record. We would like to congratulate all of our debaters who participated in the NYCUDL Online Tournament on May 16th, 2020. Early Scholars made a clean sweep by winning as the first-place teams in all public forum categories, Novice, Intermediate and Open! All of our intermediate teams were undefeated with a 3-0 record. So, we were awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams.

Gold Champions:  Hillary J. & Zachary J., Early Scholars
Silver Champions: Annie L. & Brandon T., Early Scholars


Intermediate PF

Brandon Tung and Annie Li (1st)

Samatha Tann and Janie May (2nd)

Zachary Jacques and Hillary Jacques (3rd)

Open PF

Aiden Tann and David Hu (1st)


Intermediate PF

Samatha Tann (1st)

Brandon Tung (2nd)

Janie May (3rd)

Annie Li (4th)

Zachary Jacques (5th)

Novice PF

Brendon Xie (1st)

Rickey Zheng (2nd)