The Bronx

And while our elementary and middle school students were dominating at the ADL tournament, Zachary earned 3rd place in the Bronx NYCFL extemporaneous division, representing Regis High School. A shout-out to his coach, Jakob - the next stop: State Championships! Meanwhile, Brandon, who competes for Stuyvesant, was on-site helping our students who stayed back, preparing for the next tournament. Also very important—Special thanks to our AMAZING high school support team who helped judge, coach, provide morale support and mentorship to our middle schoolers- thank you Antonio, Isabella and Jeanfe. Thanks to “student judges” Aaron Fu, Christian Lee, Selena Fang, and “Parent judges” Bia and Vanesa! This really takes a village to happen and so I end with our AMAZING COACHES - with Jamaly leading the middle school team and Leo - in the elementary division shout out to Coaches Christopher and Trishtal. Congrats to everyone!